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Making Homemade Jerky for Your Next Camping Trip
For me, one of the most enjoyable aspects of planning a camping trip is preparing the various meals and snacks! While the occasional treat is unavoidable, I try to make sure that the great majority of my food items are organic, simple and clean for my body.

3 Easy Recipes for Your Next Camping Trip
If you're an avid hiker and camper like I am, you've probably spent a good deal of time preparing your meals for your trips. Nothing can boost the morale of a tired and hungry group than a successfully executed camping meal. Whether you're cooking over a fire or on...

How Soft Drinks Destroy Your Health
With the help of some clever advertising and addictive flavors, sugar sodas have become a vice for so many people across the world. With many schools still opting to keep their sugary drink machines on campus, it’s no wonder that child obesity numbers continue to rise.
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