I’ve always been one to take health supplements, and fish oil is a popular choice for many. Although I’m aware of the main health benefits of taking fish oil supplements, I decided to dig a bit deeper into what they can actually do for our bodies. In this article I explore some of the benefits of fish oil that you may not know about.

1. Can help to slow down brain aging

Fish oil is a major source of omega-3, which is essential for proper brain function. Many of us don’t get enough “brain food” in our diets, and oily fish or fish oil supplements are a great source of it. Fish oil supplements can be found at your local grocery store or pharmacy.

2. Can maintain good eye health

Your eyes also rely heavily on omega-3 fatty acids, and so not getting enough in your diet can put you at an increased risk of eye conditions. However, it’s worth not relying on fish oil alone for eye health, as there are a range of other nutrients your eyes need too.

3. May keep your heart healthy

One of the most widely known benefits of fish oil is their effect on your heart’s health. It’s believed that taking fish oil supplements can help increase levels of “good” cholesterol, and can help to reduce blood pressure. Similarly, fish oil can help to prevent the build-up of plaque around your heart.

4. Can help to reduce inflammation

Inflammation is a result of your body fighting off illness, but it’s also linked to some chronic health conditions. Fish oil has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, and so can have a range of benefits for people suffering with conditions such as extreme stress.

5. May help maintain healthy skin

Like your brain and eyes, your skin also relies on omega-3. Your skin’s health declines with age anyway, but is also affected by things such as sun exposure. Fish oil can help maintain skin health, particularly for older people. Also, it’s definitely worth considering fish oil if you suffer from a skin condition, as it may help to alleviate symptoms.

6. Can help with liver function

Your liver is an incredibly important organ, and even those who aren’t big drinkers can be at risk of liver disease. Taking fish oil supplements is believed to improve liver function, and can help with inflammation too.

7. May help with bone health

Omega-3 is necessary for maintaining bone density, which is obviously important for overall health. However, it’s also necessary to get plenty of the other essential vitamins and minerals. Bone health is very important, and everything but calcium is often overlooked.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits associated with fish oil. It’s recommended that you get between 200 and 500mg of fish oil per day, which most supplements will provide. I’ve been taking fish oil for years in capsule form, but there are other ways to take it if you don’t like pills. Do a bit of research to find out which method of taking fish oil works best for you.