Applied kinesiology is a lesser-known form of medicine, but it has a number of treatment uses. If you’ve found that you’re unable to diagnose or treat a particular health concern, then applied kinesiology may be the perfect avenue to explore. This article looks at what it is, and how it can help healthcare providers as a diagnostic tool for chronic diseases and even boost immunity, which is vitally important during the COVID-19 Quarantine.
What is Applied Kinesiology?
So, to understand the term better, it’s helpful to break it down into its separate parts. Kinesiology is the study of body movements and is also known as biomechanics. This is the study of “mechanical” body movement and can be used from a cellular to a structural level. The field of study has been around since the 1960s and is generally practiced by chiropractors.
Therefore, applied kinesiology a diagnostic tool that uses biomechanics to test muscle strength and narrow down possible conditions. It works on the understanding that certain muscles are linked to different organs. The muscle weakness in particular areas can be read as a sign of internal problems, usually associated with organs, glands, nerve damage, or circulation problems.
How Can Applied Kinesiology Help?
As mentioned, applied kinesiology can be used to manage a number of different symptoms. It’s often used for issues with the nervous system, nutritional problems, and conditions associated with the body’s energy flow. Practitioners of applied kinesiology can use it to test for various imbalances within the body, and then use this information to work out an effective course of treatment. This treatment may involve kinesiology, but it might also involve other treatment methods, such as acupressure therapy or chiropractic.
It is vitally important to approach one’s health by looking at the Physical, Emotional and Chemical parts as a whole,” say Dr. David Tolk of Tolk Wellness Center in Simsbury, CT. “Applied Kinesiology is an effective and reliable method to help determine the correct path to balance a patient’s health.”
Applied kinesiology is particularly effective for managing chronic aches, especially if this is linked to energy imbalances or internal issues that are difficult to access. The field suggests that dealing with the aches present in the muscle, it will help to manage internal conditions. It works with the same logic as treatments like acupuncture, which believe that the body’s energy flow can be disrupted and blocked, and therefore needs to be opened again.
What to Expect from a Kinesiologist
When you book a visit for applied kinesiology at a wellness center, a practitioner will start by taking a detailed medical history, and then will begin their own tests. They will measure things like changes in blood pressure, reflexes, skin sensitivity, and more. They might also test your posture and motion, along with any tests specifically designed to investigate muscle strength. Once your practitioner has gathered this information, they will be able to make their diagnosis and suggest treatment options.
Applied kinesiology can be very useful for the location and management of underlying conditions, and is effective when combined with other treatment methods, such as acupuncture and chiropractic. It’s helpful when used as part of a holistic approach to chronic disease management, and is very gentle on the body compared to some other treatment options.
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