
Dr. David Tolk Discusses the Dangers of EMF Radiation
With the arrival of 5G and the widespread use of electronic devices, Dr. David Tolk of Tolk Wellness Center shares his thoughts on the dangers of EMF radiation.

Protecting Our Posture in the Age of Technology
As technology continues to rapidly evolve and mobile devices become more and more accessible to the general public, health professionals around the world are noticing a sharp increase in patients complaining about stiff and aching necks. The culprit: text neck.
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Understanding the Many Wellness Benefits of Applied Kinesiology
Applied kinesiology is a lesser-known form of medicine, but it has a number of treatment uses. If you’ve found that you’re unable to diagnose or treat a particular health concern, then applied kinesiology may be the perfect avenue to explore. This article looks at what it is, and how it can help healthcare providers as a diagnostic tool for chronic diseases and even boost immunity, which is of utmost importance during the COVID-19 Quarantine.
Summertime Means Cold, Refreshing Beverages
As we celebrate summer, I decided to create a wine based Margarita as I don’t drink Tequila. I cook with Tequila! Great for marinating your skirt steak. Yummm! I don’t remember here we were…We were given samples by a vendor at a music industry convention of their Wine Margarita and they were really good! Recently I tried to buy some near me and there were none? So I put on my thinking hat.
Understanding Holistic Approaches to Business
Periodically, I get asked about what it means to be “holistic” in business. Is that even possible? When we recognize that “holistic” is a mindset that can apply in every element, it’s easy to see how it applies in business. In general, there are two steps involved in seeing how we can be holistic in business.
What is Naturopathic Medicine and How Does it Work?
Naturopathic Medicine combines modern medical knowledge and diagnostic techniques with traditional healing arts. It’s a system of medicine that treats the patient as a unique individual with complex genetics, biochemistry, health histories and lived experiences, all of which affect physical health and emotional wellbeing.
What To Look for In CBD Products: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
With COVID-19 still a looming threat as we near the end of summer, it’s more important than ever to maintain strong chemical, physical and mental health. With the rising popularity of CBD products coinciding with the pandemic, it’s no wonder why so many people are turning toward cannabis-derived sources of nutrition and wellness.
Aggressive Human-biting Tick Invades Connecticut Area
In unfortunate news, populations of a new, aggressive human-biting tick have been discovered in Connecticut and are rapidly spreading across the state.
The Health Benefits of Practicing Yoga
For thousands of years, yoga has been practiced around the world for both its many benefits. From the parks in the San Francisco to the banks of the Ganges River in India, yoga has become a common source of physical and spiritual relief amid the daily pressures of modern life.
The Physical and Mental Benefits of Aikido
Aikido was developed in the 1920s and ’30s by Morihei Ueshiba in an attempt to synthesize his previous martial arts training into a succinct and encompassing form. Most commonly translated as “the way of harmony”, Aikido promotes life, understanding and deep gratitude while also engaging the body in a natural way.
Tips for Healthier Pooping Habits
Pooping. It’s something we all do, hopefully at least once a day. If you aren’t having that a daily visit to the loo or your passing experience is particularly uncomfortable, it could be time for a change. After all, pooping is one of the most important functions of the human body, as it’s trying to remove unwanted and toxic material.
Reasons Why You Should Never Stop Reading
As a child, you were constantly reminded by your teachers (and hopefully your parents as well) to read more. And whether or not that sunk in, the fact is that reading for even 20 – 30 minutes every day can have a profound and positive impact on your mental health. From news apps on your phone to a good old fashioned book, here are a few science-backed reasons why you should read every day.
The Healthiest Countries and How they Got There
Move over Italy, because Spain just became the healthiest country in the world! According to the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, Spain was just ranked at the top of the list, followed by former #1 Italy and Japan. The Bloomberg Index ranks these countries based on aspects like life expectancy, and dock points for high levels of obesity or alcoholism.
Protecting Your Family From Text Neck
With mobile technology quickly becoming integrated into our everyday lives and becoming more affordable for the masses, it’s no wonder that more and more people are seeking medical help after experiencing debilitating neck stiffness and pain. With such a noticeable increase in such conditions, health professionals around the world are causally referring to these group symptoms as “text neck”.
Natural Remedies for Bug Bites
Unless you’re one of those rare people that never get bitten, chances are you’ve dealt with infuriatingly itchy insect and spider bites before. Whether it was the cloud of mosquitoes that feasted upon you as you filtered your water at the river crossing or the silent spider that felt threatened as you tossed in your sleep, that fact is that bug bites can be truly frustrating and is a reality we’ve all dealt with before.
Natural Home Remedies for Headaches
Headaches. We’ve all had them and know how debilitating they can be, especially when they take the form of migraines (a topic for another article). They’re often caused by staring at screens for too long, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and dehydration. To make matters worse, painkillers such as Tylenol and Advil are commonly abused to manage the pain from headaches, leading to a host of liver issues.
Managing Stress with Chiropractic Care
Chronic stress is a dangerous condition that can have a massive impact on a person’s mental health, but can also manifest itself in physical pain too. Stress can lead to tension, which can lead to muscle and joint damage if the body is constantly tense.
Keeping Your Family Healthy During the Flu Season
Fall is in full swing and with it comes spiced lattes, falling leaves and jack-o-lanterns. Unfortunately, it’s also the time of year when people tend to get sick the most. Whether it’s the nasty flu virus or persistent cold, illnesses are easily transferable with more people spending time indoors.
How to Promote Healthy and Strong Bones Naturally
Having healthy bones is about so much more than drinking milk. While this old stereotype is dying out, I still find that not enough people know about how to promote healthy and strong bones in other natural ways.
How to Get Rid of Hiccups Fast
Hiccups. We’ve all had them before and can agree that they can be pretty annoying at times. While most incidents only last a few minutes, some cases can go on for hours, even days. However, almost all cases are minor can be dealt with quite easily.
How to Beat Insomnia Without Medication
I’ve never been one to sleep well, and I’ve tried so many different solutions for insomnia. However, I don’t like the idea of constantly being on medication, and so have been looking for natural solutions for better sleep. Below are my top solutions for how to beat insomnia without medication.
How Nicotine Affects the Developing Brain
Nicotine is a stimulant that is naturally produced by several types of plants from the nightshade family. Tomatoes, potatoes, red peppers are some examples that also come from the nightshade family. Some research suggests that the amounts of nicotine obtained from these foods is substantial in comparison to the inhalation of second-hand smoke. Others consider nicotine from food as trivial unless consumed in extremely high amounts.
Healing with Acupressure Therapy
Acupressure is a massage therapy that was first introduced thousands of years ago. It involves applying pressure to certain parts of the body to address ailments. Acupressure is used for thousands of years in China, following similar principles present in acupuncture.
Exploring the Eastern Art of Reiki Healing
The world of holistic medicine is astoundingly diverse, with various treatments and philosophies developed to provide patients with overall wellness, rather than treating specific symptoms. While you may be familiar with treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic...